Monsoon Rain Life in Hyderabad

Rain has a strange effect on people in Hyderabad. Gentle and jolly to a fault on other days, they turn into deranged post-apocalyptic zombies the minute a drop from the sky hits their head.

Then they hit Berserk! mode and throw social order haywire, drive bikes up one another's ass, and generally make life horribly tough for them and their brethren. A simple trip from office to home become a fight for survival.

Not to mention the open-mouth manholes that, like the mystical Hydra lurking under the water surface waiting to strike their prey, can swallow you and your bike whole. And then there are the manholes which will immediately send your balls flying up to your mouth, should you unknowingly land your bike's tyres in them.

But yeah, once you reach home, take a bath, and clean the sludge off your feet, get into fresh warm clothes, take a chair to a window and look outside from the height of a 10th-storey building, with the wind howling outside and raindrops pattering hard against the glass, and you safely inside sipping tea off a ceramic cup, the juice of Life starts coursing through your veins.

Nature, who had taken a break from nurturing and decided to cut loose, starts feeling guilty about having too much fun after a while, and like a concerned mother, shines the moon over the landscape and surveys the damage her short jive may have inadvertently caused.

Life on Earth, resilient as always, hops to normalcy. Huge vats of biryani open up, and the aroma of fragnant rice permeates the air. Hands, independent of the mind, reach out for the phones and place a delivery. Tucked into a warm blanket, you start waiting for the food while playing a movie.

Life is Life, but if you want to know what Life in Bliss among Chaos is all about, visit Hyderabad in monsoon. You may hate it, but you will miss it.